Celebrating Freedom: Art and Poetry by Lloyd Mays
Lloyd Mays is a self-taught artist and poet from Washington County. Born the last of ...
Juneteenth 2020 Virtual Exhibit
Looking for More Information? Reader’s Digest “What Is Juneteenth & Why Do We Celebrate It?https://www.rd.com/culture/what-is-juneteenth/ ...
Maifest Virtual Exhibit
Since 1881, a colorful scene has unfolded in Brenham each May. This festival, known as ...

Forgotten Gateway: Coming to America Through Galveston Island
Beginning September 27, 2023, Brenham Heritage Museum will present Forgotten Gateway: Coming to America Through Galveston Island, based on the major exhibition of the same name developed by the Bullock Texas State History Museum and guest-curated by Dr. Suzanne Seriff, independent museum curator and senior lecturer of anthropology at The University of Texas at Austin. […]

Brenham Heritage Museum Celebrates 133 Years of Maifest
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress May Contact:Sabrina Cole310 East Main St.Brenham, TX 77833Phone: 979.551.3750https://brenhamheritagemuseum.orgdirector@brenhamheritagemuseum.org February 16, 2023 The Brenham Heritage Museum is proud to present a look back at Maifest through the years in the Hasskarl Family Gallery. The exhibit features pictures of former royalty, trains, crowns and other pieces spanning from the 1920s to the 1960s. […]

Brenham Heritage Museum Honors Black History Month with New Exhibit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress May Contact:Sabrina Cole310 East Main St.Brenham, TX 77833Phone: 979.551.3750https://brenhamheritagemuseum.orgdirector@brenhamheritagemuseum.org February 16, 2023 This February, the Brenham Heritage Museum is proud to celebrate Black History Month by presenting John & Mary Marks: A Love Story That Transcends Time and Boundaries, which will be on display in the Blue Bell Gallery beginning February 16, […]

The Music, the Melody, the Message: Evolution of African American Music Featuring Artists from Washington County
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress May Contact:Sabrina Cole310 East Main St.Brenham, TX 77833Phone: 979.551.3750https://brenhamheritagemuseum.orgdirector@brenhamheritagemuseum.org June 14, 2023 The Brenham Heritage Museum’s Juneteenth exhibit, “The Music, the Melody, the Message: Evolution of African American Music Featuring Artists from Washington County” explores African American music’s evolution from Africa to Texas, onto the national stage and beyond. The exhibition brings […]

Local Foodways Exhibit and Events at Brenham Museum
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress May Contact:Mike Vance or Sabrina Cole310 East Main St.Brenham, TX 77833Phone: 979.551.3750https://brenhamheritagemuseum.orgdirector@brenhamheritagemuseum.org November 21, 2022 Washington County Foodways, the inaugural temporary exhibit at the Brenham Heritage Museum, will include five ticketed educational tastings. The ambitious programming to accompany this exhibit is the largest ever undertaken by the museum, and the ticket price […]

Freedom Colonies: Tracing Historic Black Settlements of Washington County
The Brenham Heritage Museum presents Freedom Colonies: Tracing Historic Black Settlements of Washington County. This wonderful exhibit explores the remarkable stories of former slaves and their descendants who established entire local communities following their Emancipation. Often times, the Freedom Colonies centered around a church and school, and residents might work in the city or may […]

Exploring & Celebrating Our Roots: Researching African American Families in Washington County
Delve into the histories of some local African American families. The Brenham Heritage Museum’s Bus Depot Gallery is displaying family trees, pictures, and objects designed to intrigue you to explore your genealogy.

Christmas with Condon
William “Bill” Condon (1923-1998) was a native Houstonian, a practicing architect, and a fine artist. He received a BA in architecture from Rice Institute in 1949 and assumed a position in the architectural firm of Broesche and Condon Associates. The firm was founded by Travis Broesche, who in the late 1970s began phasing out his practices […]

Brenham Heritage Museum Celebrates Black History Month Featuring Fascinating Stories of Black Pioneers
This February, the Brenham Heritage Museum (BHM)is celebrating Black History Month by inviting the community to view the “Oh, I Didn’t Know That!” Exhibit. This exhibit features Black inventors, athletes, civil rights activists, and others whose roots are here in Brenham and Washington County. We guarantee visitors will leave, saying, “Oh, I Didn’t Know That!” […]

Celebrating Brenham and Washington County Public Schools
The first day of school of the Brenham Independent School District (BISD) was September 6, 1875. The exhibition featuring historical photos, documents, books and memorabilia in celebration of the 144th anniversary of the BISD and Washington County schools will be on display until November 16, 2019.

Into the Raging Storm: Washington County and Texas in the Great War
This exhibition is the culmination of a five-year project, to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the First World War. This exhibition will be on view at The Chappell Hill Historical Society Museum, 9220 Poplar Street, Chappell Hill, TX 77426, through November 11, 2019.

Rally Round Our Flag Boys: Washington County and the Civil War
This exhibit details the military service of the Confederate soldier of Washington County, Texas.

The 20th Century
The 1900’s are history!

Victorian and Edwardian Eras of Washington County
Step back in time and view the Victorian and Edwardian Eras of Washington County.

American, German, Pole, Czech… They all shared a common bond.